13 abril 2008

The little parking places

As trains are crowded, people tend to think driving in Tokyo might be the best option. Drop it. Driving can be considered ok, but parking a car is not far from being a complete nightmare. On top of that, you may need to get a loan from the bank to recover your babe.

But one thing we must admit: when optimizing the space is the word of the day, Japanese are magicians . In Tokyo, parkings are the best example on how they know to do more with less.

Parking in Japan is art.

Um comentário:

keka disse...

Hey, great blog, Dandan!!!
Adorei as fotos...
Ai meu primo, seu olhar para as pequenas (e grandes) coisas é incrível! E aquelas fotos da Tailândia, hein?! Demais. Saudades, Dani!